Pixels Camp Hackaton 2019
Went to Pixels Camp 2019, built a led cube, got 12th place out of 74.
In this hackaton me and @mstrlaw (go check him out) wanted to build something to give back to the community.
In this hackaton me and @mstrlaw wanted to build something to give back to the community, and also I was focused on using some hardware.
So we came up with the idea of building a cube (without any cables) that anybody could use to track the time spent on each project.
The idea is simple, the cube as on/off switch, so you turn on the cube and face it on a face, each face represents a project you're currently working on (so yeah, up to 6 projects/tasks), when you do that a led lights up with a color representing the specific task/project.
When you switch projects, you just change the face of the cube that is facing up.
Oh, and did I mention it has an app? Otherwise how would you manage the relation face -> project ?!
In summary, the hardware is pretty simple, it's an Arduino, a lipo battery, a mcu, a bluetooth module and some LED's.
The app was build using electron.js and vue.js.
You can check the project below:
Visit project on: TAIKAI